Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Reason for being Man, Hebrews 2:5-18

It is interesting to note how the author of Hebrews chose to convey his message. Remembering that the theme for the book of Hebrews is The Lord Jesus Christ, in which is also God himself in the form of man. Certainly the book of Hebrews was written by one who is baptised in the Holy Spirit and thus writes not of his own understanding but instead through the Holy Spirit (the Counsellor and Teacher) who dwells in him and in us as well, and we do notice that the book does make no mistake in presenting a clear clarification to the claims of Jesus.

Do you remember a time when you were sitting in church, wondering what Pastor Christopher was preaching about, because most of what he just said made no sense to you at all? or if you cant remember a time when that did NOT happen? Well if you are one of the many who feel that way once in a while (hopefully not too often) then probably the message that fine Sunday morning was not addressing you directly.

The author of Hebrews firstly compared Jesus to Angels, coming to the conclusion that the superiority of Jesus surpassed that of angles in heaven. Hebrews 1:3 “The Son is the radiance of God's Glory and the exact representation of his being.” verse 4: “so he became as much superior to the angels as the name he has inherited is superior to theirs.” In chapter 2 the author goes on to give a warning to pay attention, especially to what he was about to say next. He then contrasted the glory of God (Jesus himself) to that of us humans who were the children of God. Though complicated, the author of Hebrews was (at that time) addressing dire issues with a special group of people, a group of people who were once Jews who then took up the cross of faith but were easily led astray due to their lack of understanding of the New Covenant and of the gospel. It was pertinent and essential for the author to address these issues because the audience in which the book of Hebrews was intended for were people deeply rooted in the Old Law, the old testaments, of God being singular and none equal to him and of angles being second in command to God. The gospel of Jesus (at that time) was revolutionary to the Jews, it was like claiming that the world was revolving around the sun (during Michelangelo's time). Therefore, if you find the message that Hebrews brings minute and irrelevant, it is because you were not the original intended audience, because you already know now what they did not know then. Lets take a closer look at Hebrews 2:5-18.

The Reason

It seemed rather hard to digest that there were reasons for the necessity of God to come in the form of Man. The general reason is that he needed to be like man (and fully God at the same time) to reconcile the broken relationship between God and man. Even in our daily prayer, we pray in the name of Jesus because we are fallen beings in which the only way through to God was through Him who was God and man, yet the Son of Man and the Son of God. God had a plan, and His plan (beginning with Adam and Eve) was that man should be the sovereign over all of God's creation (even sovereign over the angles) and that man would be subject to God. However, the fallen nature of man upset the divine order of things and thus led to man being slaves instead (v15). Man became lower than angles in the order of things, that is why when God came in the form of man, he was (v9) made a little lower than the angles (in humanly form) and yet, Jesus who died on the cross was made perfect through suffering (v10) so that reconciliation could happen between God and Man, restoring the order of things. What did it mean for Jesus to be made perfect? It meant that Jesus, would be the radiance of God (c1v3), showing God's nature in its love for us, and, The Son would be crowed with glory and honor (v7) and with the grand result of everything being under His (Jesus) feet (v8). This was God's plan from the beginning, as we see from verses 7 and 8 that all that was done was by “You”, and that “You” was referring to God. It was by the will of God that Jesus suffered death, and by the grace of God that Jesus might taste death for everyone! (v9). It was all God, and it was all for us!

What did he do? How did he do it? Why did he do it?

Have you ever had the problem of not being qualified for something? maybe its the course you applied for? maybe its something you don't feel worthy of? maybe is the responsibility that you are suddenly bestowed upon. Then again, if you were not qualified to be something, or someone, would you be willing to work for it? would you be willing to strife for it? How much would you do to make yourself that someone you wish to be. In many cases, we want to be things that we ourselves cant change, and that was the predicament that Jesus faced.

Do not get me wrong by thinking that Jesus was not worthy to be the Messiah. He is the Messiah, the only one. However, it was not with a wave of a magic wand that things happened the way they did. Remember that Jesus was not born into this world only to be killed immediately and be counted as the perfect atonement for our sins. However, God had planned to make Jesus perfect so that he can be the savior of us all (v10). Jesus was about to be the author of man's salvation(v10), and it was only through God that this person would be fully qualified to be our savior. What was more interesting is that Jesus was to be made perfect through suffering. What did he do in the end? He brought many sons to glory (v10). We became children of God, sharing in God's glory because of salvation through Jesus Christ. Before that, we were already enemies of God, objects of God's wrath! How did he do it? He began by calling us his brothers (v12, v11). He went through life fully human so that he would not be ashamed to call us brothers. The author of salvation is part of those being brought to salvation. He shared in our humanity, being fully human, and finally even experiencing death.

Finally, why did he do it? He had to be made perfect, and the only was was through suffering (v10). He had to experience life as a man, being tempted in any and every way possible (v18), so that he could be OUR merciful and faithful high priest, so that he would be qualified to be the atonement for our sins (v17) and so that he could help us (v18) who are also tempted everyday, every minute, every second. He had to die, and to conquer death, so that by his death he could destroy the one who holds death in his hands (v14) and by that free us men (who inherited death through birth) from the slavery of the fear of death (v15). In other words, he had to qualify himself, do the work so that we might be reconciled with God. He had to be one of us so he could help us. Why did he do it? because he loved us.

The mark of a good leader is one who is willing to do anything that he commands his subordinates to do. The perfect high priest identified with the likes of us so that he could be the author of our salvation. Hopefully we would not lack the faith next time to trust in him. In a matter of speaking, he put his arm around our shoulders, like a brother, and helped us (beaten and torn people) stand up and walk in the likes of God.

You are familiar to the gospel, you know how God became man, and man died and rose, and salvation was offered to those who believe. Now understand why, and how God did it.

God did it himself, for us.

If you are sitting in the congregation once again, and yet again you find yourself in a blur about what pastor Christopher is saying, lets try and listen again, because God, who was like us, who knows what it feels like feel blur in church, is trying to speak to us, so listen up!!

Have a nice week.


Monday, June 25, 2007

Hebrews 2- Paying Attention

Seems like we're in a limbo after all, so I decided to just take up Chapter 2 as I've nothing much to do in the office now :P

Talking about 'paying attention', sometimes I wonder how often I actually pay attention to the things around me. Take the simple stuff like paying attention to the needs of our loved ones. Very often, I could sadly confess that I'm not very observant and aware of the needs of my loved ones (and the people around me). I wouldn't know if my family member is goin' thru some rough patch unless it is plastered on his/her face or unless he/she shares it with me. I'm pretty easily distracted with the other things of this world, even at work! *lol*

"We must pay more careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away... God also testified to it by signs, wonders and various miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to His will." ~ Hebrews 2:1 & 4

Many things in this world distracts us from our main focus. Sometimes we get so caught up in the world (work, studies, having fun, etc) that we lose sight of God. We can spend 8 hours in uni or at work, 5 hours for sleeping, 3 hours on eating our 3 meals, 1 hour for our baths, 6.5 hours doodling, and the 1/2 hour left for the Lord (sometimes none for the Lord!!). Not to forget, when troubles avalanche on us, we'll spend most of the day worrying & forgetting that the Lord is still good no matter what happens! Our eyes will be blinded by our troubles & we'll just not see His simple miracles taking place in our lives. Does it happen often to you?

Whatever happens to us, we are reminded to not ignore the great salvation and wonderful blessings of the Lord. People may say a lot of things to put out our faith, but we are reminded time after time to stand firm in the Lord. God is always for us & with us :) Are we walking closely with Him each day? The Lord is a prayer away. He waits for us to run back to Him just like a son running back to his Father :)

"Because He Himself suffered when He was tempted, He is able to help those who are being tempted." ~ Hebrews 2:18

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Hebrews 1 - The Excellent Name

“Many Jews had a superstitious or idolatrous respect for angels, because they had received the law and other tidings of the Divine will by their ministry. They looked upon them as mediators between God and men, and some went so far as to pay them a kind of religious homage or worship. Thus it was necessary that the apostle should insist, not only on Christ's being the Creator of all things, and therefore of angels themselves, but as being the risen and exalted Messiah in human nature, to whom angels, authorities, and powers are made subject.”

-Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

It was with this issue in mind that Hebrews 1 was written, to clarify the deity of Jesus Christ and to tell of His power, for He has been given “a more excellent name” (verse 4)

Now what’s in a name?

A rose by any other name would smell just as sweet, so says Shakespeare. So what is so important about a name, when we can alter even that? For instance, the word silly was originally meant to describe that a person was smart. (Sarcasm is a ‘great’ distorting tool!)

"Personal names were formed from words that had their own meanings. Thus, the people of the bible were very conscious of the meanings of names. They (the Jews) believed there was a vital connection between the name and the person it identified. A name somehow represented the nature of the person."

-Nelson's New Illustrated Bible Dictionary

The name of Jesus Christ carries with it the testimony of the resurrection power that He holds with infinite ease.

A few months ago, I was intrigued by a phrase from a hymn, it goes like this:

“Ponder anew what the Almighty can do”

God doesn’t want my narrow-minded thinking to get in way of His capabilities to work through me, and that includes the rest of mankind, too. Narrow-mindedness “routinises” my thought life, making it unable to appreciate the creative flow of the Spirit.

I guess that’s why God did not limit Himself to a single description. All He calls Himself is “I Am”, because He is Everything. The Jews gave Him a lot of names, El shaddai, El Rophi, and Jehovah Jireh, to name a few.

But the name He gives Himself is simply “I Am”.

He cannot, and will not, be bound to a single attribute. Ponder anew, then, what the Almighty can do.